Yoga to Correct our Posture: Some Advice for Beginners

by Jsantos, August 24, 2020

Yoga to Correct our Posture: Some Advice for Beginners

A lot has been said about yoga, people talk about its benefits to deal with anxiety, stress, how it helps becoming more focused, relieving stress, relieving pain, and even improving sleep. Many others comment on its advantages for general health; of course, a lot of people find their way into yoga through their physical fitness path. Whether it is for its spiritual or physical benefits, it is undeniable that practicing yoga can have multiple benefits.

The importance of a good posture is undeniable. We have already commented on the negative consequences of holding a bad posture for a long time. Among other effects, hunching over can deform our spine, cause pain, and even affect our digestion. There are many useful ways to prevent us from hunching, and if this is your goal, there are some yoga poses that can help you achieve it.

There are different styles of yoga which vary depending on the rhythm, the exercises, the pace, the poses, and the desired goal. There is a series of poses called “heart openers” which are chest opener poses that can be of great help in reverting a slumped posture. Some poses within this category include planking, cow face arms, the mountain, cat-cow pose, cobra, bow, and lotus pose. These work by training and strengthening our muscles in this area to hold our shoulders blades in the correct posture.

As it is well known by people who have ever tried doing yoga, holding a pose correctly is more complicated than it seems, even for “easy” poses. However, do not be discouraged, a good yoga practice requires time and dedication, but it will not feel as such when you notice the immediate positive sensation you get after every session, and you can have these results even as a beginner.

To start, you must become aware of the issues with your posture so you can identify what you need to work on. A second stage where you start understanding all the factors that influence a good pose is key. You should be mindful of your breath, lose tension in your muscles, know how to balance the weight on every pose and focus. Therefore, yoga takes a lot of mental and physical skills, but you can build this with practice. In the initial stages and even after, some support tools will come in handy.

We highly recommend your yoga practice is guided by an expert; they will know the pace you should follow according to your body features. Yoga is a different experience for everyone, be patient, and do not push your body beyond its limits, this way you will greatly benefit from yoga.



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