Sports Medicine Post-Workout Recovery

by Jsantos, April 9, 2021

Sports Medicine

Post-Workout Recovery

Muscle soreness after working out is and can be positive in most cases. It means that your muscles are indeed being worked out and are going through a process of restructuring their tissue to create a stronger one. This muscle pain is known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS and it can usually be presented in about six hours after exercising. 

The pain can occur due to different factors, the most common ones are related to the use of a new muscle or to slightly damaging the muscle’s fiber by stressing them during exercising. Especially, when the intensity of the workout is increased, when there are changes to the training routine, or when someone is starting to work out for the first time or after a moderate period without exercising. As the tissue regenerates stronger, it can cause pain for around 12 hours and in some cases up to 48 hours after working out. However, it should be significantly reduced over time after it reaches its “highest peak” which could be after the following day of workout. 

You should pay attention to the intensity and the kind of soreness you feel, do not mistake this pain for the one caused by an injury like a muscle sprain or a dislocation, which is sharper, more intense, and more evident with the movement of the affected area.

How to Prevent and How to Alleviate it

Even though the causes mentioned above will still stress the muscle tissue, there are some ways to prevent or alleviate the pain.

  • First, whether you are introducing a new routine or leveling up on your usual routine, do it at a moderate pace so you allow time for your body to slowly train and recover the affected muscles.
  • A warmup session before a workout is a must-do to avoid injuries and soreness, doing at least 5 minutes of any warmup activity of your choice, whether it is riding a bike, walking, jumping a rope, or even dancing will help increase the blood flow to all the body and have your muscles prepared for a good training session. 
  • A safe and gentle stretching practice is also key to loosen the muscles and get them ready for the workout, then after you are finished working out, stretching can help you recover and in a long term, it will improve your flexibility and joint health. 
  • Some other recommendations using ice packs or massaging the affected muscles. 

Exercising is a good habit and increasing the intensity of your workout will improve your fitness significantly over time but remember to always keep your workout practice safe.



Orthopedic Corner | Leon Mead MD Orthopedic Doctor | 730 Goodlette Road North, Suite 201  Naples Florida 34102 | Phone: (239) 262-1119

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