Do you need Vitamin and Mineral Supplements? Part 2

by Jsantos, March 9, 2017

Do You Need Vitamin and Mineral Supplements? Part 2

In our constant effort here at Dr Mead’s office we always strive to bring you great health, sports medicine and orthopedic related content, comes this article, which complements our previous entry. So, do you need vitamin and mineral supplements? Vitamins and Minerals are essential for our bodies. We ingest them trough our daily food intakes, but sometimes deficiencies may appear due to external factors. This will give you a concrete guide on the different situations and the vitamins/mineral supplementation you will require.


A diet dependent on highly refined carbohydrates, such as sugar, white flour and white rice, place greater demand on additional sources of B-group vitamins to process these carbohydrates. An unbalanced diet contributes to such conditions as irritability, lethargy and sleep disorders.


Some antibiotics, although valuable in fight infections, also fight off friendly bacteria in the gut, which normally allows B-gruop vitamins to be absorbed through the intestinal walls. Such deficiencies can result in a variety of nervous conditions, and therefore it may be advisable to supplement with B-group vitamins when on a lengthy course of antibiotics.

Food Allergies

The omission of whole foods groups from the diet, as in the case of individuals allergic to gluten or lactose, can mean the loss of significant dietary sources of nutrients such as thiamine, riboflavin or calcium.

Crop Nutrient Losses

Some agricultural soils are deficient in trace elements. Decades of intensive agriculture can overwork and deplete soils, unless all the soil nutrients, including trace elements, are regularly replaced. Food crops can be depleted of nutrients due to poor soil management.

Accidents and Illness

Burns lead to a loss of protein and essential trace nutrients. Surgery increases the need for zinc, Vitamin E and other nutrients involved in the cellular repair mechanism. The repair of broken bones will be retarded by an inadequate supply of calcium and Vitamin C and conversely enhanced by a full dietary supply. The challenge of infection places high demand on the nutritional resources of zinc, magnesium and Vitamin B5 and B6.


Chemical, physical and emotional stress can increase the body’s requirements for vitamins B2, B5, B6 and C. Air pollution increases the requirements for Vitamin E.

Premenstrual Tension (PMS)

Research has demonstrated that up to 60% of women suffering from symptoms of premenstrual tension, such as headaches, irritability, bloating, breast tenderness, lethargy and depression can benefit from supplementation with Vitamin B6.

Teenage Growth

Rapid growth spurts that occur in the teenage years, particularly in girls, place high demands on nutritional resources to underwrite the accelerated physical, biochemical and emotional development in this age group.


Pregnancy creates higher than average demands for nutrients to ensure healthy growth of the baby and comfortable confinement of the mother. The nutrients that should be increased are the B-group, especially B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid and B12, A, D, E and the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorous. Professional assessment of nutrients requirements is recommended.



Orthopedic Corner | Leon Mead MD Orthopedic Doctor | 730 Goodlette Road North, Suite 201  Naples Florida 34102 | Phone: (239) 262-1119



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