The Magnificent Benefits of Rollerblading

by Jsantos, May 4, 2022

The Magnificent Benefits of Rollerblading

If you suffer from sore joints, you could find that rollerblading is a suitable exercise for you. Running or jogging are known to be harmful to your joints if you suffer from any joint-related conditions or if you have not built enough resistance and muscle for it. Here, rollerblading or roller skating can be a good alternative. This activity is gentler on the knee joints than running or jogging because it does not apply a downward force. In roller skating, the pressure is applied in a sideways position. It does not only reduce the impact on the joints but also helps strengthen them by stretching them.

In addition to the benefits rollerblading brings to your joints, there are many other positive effects it can bring to your health.

  • Since rollerblading is an aerobic exercise, it will improve your cardiovascular help and boost circulation.
  • It will enhance your flexibility, resistance, coordination, mobility and balance.
  • If you are looking to tone up your muscles, this activity will be particularly beneficial in toning your glutes, legs, shoulders, arms and core muscles.
  • In terms of weight loss and fitness goals, rollerblading is significantly helpful. A male weighing around 125 pounds burns approximately a thousand calories per hour practising this cardio.
  • Like any other physical exercise, rollerblading will boost your immune system and help your brain produce serotonin. Hence, reducing stress and fighting other mental health issues.

Possible Injuries and Precautions

This exercise requires coordination concerning different joints. Additionally, rollerblading involves the strength of many muscles. Due to this, beginners must first work on their coordination and strength to avoid injuries caused by the wrong positioning of the body, lack of balance and muscle stiffness.

It is also key to working on developing a good technique. You will need to learn how to gain control while rollerblading. By establishing a good technique, you will learn how to move, stop and prevent falling or know how to fall safely. 

It is essential to develop an appropriate technique to make the most of this fun exercise. However, some other measures to consider while rollerblading include using the required safety equipment. 

No one is exempt from getting injured while rollerblading. The wrist, the elbow, and the knee are the most prone to injuries in rollerblading. Therefore, it is necessary to wear kneepads, wristbands, elbow pads, and a helmet.

Some other recommendations to consider are making sure your rollerblades fit your foot size well. In the same way, check that these are well secured. If you have eyesight issues, wear glasses or contact lenses while rollerblading. Finally, a good warmup and stretching session are mandatory before rollerblading if you would like to avoid injuring your muscles and ligaments.



Orthopedic Corner | Leon Mead MD Orthopedic Doctor | 730 Goodlette Road North, Suite 201  Naples Florida 34102 | Phone: (239) 262-1119

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