How to Help Your Body Recover After Surgery

by Jsantos, March 21, 2020

How to Help Your Body Recover After Surgery

Returning to the gym after surgery needs to be done carefully. Otherwise, you could be in a lot of pain and complications. Whether from a planned surgery to an unplanned sickness, recovering after a hospital visit can feel like it takes longer to feel like ourselves. The good news is that with the right strategies you can support a strong recovery. 

  • Good Nutrition: No matter how big or small the procedure, surgery inflicts trauma on your body. Recovery time depends on the type of surgery you had, but even then, it’s variable how long it’ll be before you can resume normal activities. Good nutrition can play a key role in helping you regain strength and heal after surgery. Good nutrition will help keep you in shape, even if you’re feeling out of shape, and it can also aid in the healing process. Eating the right foods gives your body what it needs to recover. 


  • Drink Plenty of Water: Water helps keep your blood flowing, carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells and protects your joints. As your body recovers from an illness or injury, it sends water and nutrients to that location. If you’re not replenishing those fluids, the wound healing and cell repair processes take longer, ultimately hindering your recovery. In addition to drinking water, food choices can account for approximately 20% of your daily fluid intake. Turn to foods like melons, tomatoes, and strawberries, which are naturally rich in water and electrolytes and critical to healthy nerve and muscle function as you recover. 


  • Follow Doctor’s Orders: Sometimes, we take our doctor’s orders (or the orders of our surgeon, physical therapist, or nutritionist) with a grain of salt. Don’t do it. They’re not conspiring to keep you down, they’re looking out for your best interests. Even if you feel ready to roll, follow the schedule that you’ve been given. 


  • Consume More Protein: In addition to a balanced diet with plenty of protein, you can also consider adding HMB to your diet. HMB or beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate is a substance that supports muscle health. HMB is naturally produced by your body when it breaks down leucine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods. HMB can be found in small amounts in avocado, citrus fruit, catfish and in nutrition supplements. 


  •  Exercise: The last step to getting back on your feet? Just that! Light activities like resistance training, daily walks, stretching, or yoga can be hugely beneficial, especially if you’re feeling fatigued after a procedure or sickness. Be sure to work with your physician to determine what’s best for you. Keeping your whole body strong and healthy year-round means you can maintain your independence at any age, even if you’re recovering from an illness, injury, or surgery.



Orthopedic Corner | Leon Mead MD Orthopedic Doctor | 730 Goodlette Road North, Suite 201  Naples Florida 34102 | Phone: (239) 262-1119

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