Can you Naturally Correct Hunched Shoulders?

by Jsantos, June 24, 2021

Can you Naturally Correct Hunched Shoulders?

There are many examples of bad posture, hunched shoulders are probably the most common one since we commonly hold that position while texting or working on a computer. It is characterized by the positioning of the neck and the head slightly to the front, the shoulders curved to the front and down while the back muscles are also contracted. 

There are many causes of hunched shoulders, most are related to regular activities such as driving, using a phone, a tablet, or a computer, and carrying heavy stuff. Activities where we stay in a leaned position for a certain period, regularly. Other factors can make this body posture condition appear. For example, being overweight, spine issues such as scoliosis and kyphosis, or even injuries like fractures.

In the same way, a hunched shoulders posture can also be the cause of other physical conditions that affect the same body parts that are compromised while hunching the shoulders, therefore, neck and back as well. Hunched shoulders can be the cause of symptoms such as lumbar and cervical pain, headaches, and dizziness. Other than the physical discomfort, this condition can also have a psychological effect in patients where self-esteem is compromised due to the appearance of their body. 

How to Fix Hunched Shoulders Naturally?

The most practical way is through the committed practice of specific exercises, these may include stretches or yoga postures. Some commonly recommended exercises are:

Wall Angels: This exercise consists of lifting the arms while standing in front of a wall, slowly making a motion simulating the flapping wings.

Another effective exercise consists of lifting each arm slowly in a planking position from the ground up always in the same direction of the shoulder to create a rotation. Other kinds of rotating exercises can be very helpful too.

A few other basic exercises include gentle arm and neck stretches, lifting the shoulders, and doing circular motions with the arms and planking. 

Finally, some yoga poses include the Cobra pose, Shoulder pose, Wind Removing pose, Pigeon pose, Bow pose, and others.

Overall, it is important to practice these exercises safely and constantly to see good results.

How to Prevent Hunching Shoulders?

Certainly, it is better to prevent getting hunched shoulders before they appear. The exercises recommended above can also be greatly helpful to prevent holding a bad posture. Some other measures that can be implemented include procuring a workplace that promotes holding a good posture. Especially if your work implies being in front of a computer for long hours, you should always make sure your desk, chair, and equipment are set in the best way to keep you in a good posture while you work. 



Orthopedic Corner | Leon Mead MD Orthopedic Doctor | 730 Goodlette Road North, Suite 201  Naples Florida 34102 | Phone: (239) 262-1119

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